
Zilch Face Wash Jelly | Review

I prefer mild cleanser for the mornings as I feel heavy-duty facewashes aren’t needed to remove just skincare and sebum. A mild cleanse is more than enough. There are very facewashes that I use as a morning cleanser and Zilch Face Wash Jelly is one of them.

Zilch Face Wash Jelly
About the brand:

Zilch is an Indian brand which believes in simplicity and not following the stereotypes. The brand claims that their products are free from parabens, toxins, bad alcohols and aren’t tested on animals.

Do you know? Zilch means nothing!

Zilch Face Wash Jelly

Price: The cleanser retails for Rs.700 for 200ml. It has a shelf life of 24 months and needs to be finished within 12 months of opening the bottle.


Amazon (there’s always some discount on Amazon)

Brand website

Zilch Face Wash Jelly

As the name suggests, Zilch Face Wash Jelly has a jelly consistency. It legit feels like a gel moisturizer because of its texture. The cleanser has a mild rose fragrance which feels very soothing. Because of low percentage of surfactants, the Zilch Face Wash Jelly doesn’t lather. But that doesn’t affect its cleansing ability. (This one is definitely going to remind you of the Cetaphil cleansing lotion)

Zilch Face Wash Jelly

As tested (and confirmed with the brand) Zilch Face Wash Jelly has a pH of around 6 which is almost ideal and in favour of our skin. Always try to use a facewash with lower pH as it will not strip off natural oils from the skin. To know why the pH of a facewash matters, please read this Instagram post here.

Zilch Face Wash Jelly

My verdict on Zilch Face Wash Jelly:

I am so glad I was sent this product to try because this is going to be my morning cleanser for a long time. Zilch Face Wash Jelly is a mild cleanser and can be used by people with all skin types. If you are not relying on your facewash alone for removal of makeup and skincare then this can be used during night time as well. I always recommend removing makeup/skincare with a makeup remover and using a facewash after that for a good & thorough cleanse. As this cleanser is packed with many hydrating ingredients, my skin doesn’t feel dry post wash. Please keep in mind that if you are relying on this facewash alone for removal of makeup/skincare at the end of the day, then you are going to be disappointed as this is not going to fare well in that scenario.

Though this cleanser is going to suit majority skin types, those having very sensitive or fungal acne prone skin might not find it a suitable option. Else, I’d definitely recommend this cleanser to everyone.

Concluding my thoughts. I hope you liked the post and if you did, do consider subscribing to my blog. Show some love by liking, sharing and commenting your views/thoughts. Until next time, stay beautiful & keep smiling!

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